





These forms may be filled in online to save both time and paper, each form link will need to be filled out separately. Please follow each section, as applicable, then submit when completed. 

Treasury / Tuition




If you choose not to register using the online forms above and would prefer to print the forms then fill them in, they are available below. The forms are in PDF format. When you have filled them in please email them to the email address below or submit them in at the school in person.



     Email completed forms to:    (Charles Dungan - Head Teacher)



  • All new students must submit a copy of a birth certificate. Returning students who have the birth certificate on file do not need to resubmit it.
  • New students must submit a copy of immunizations. Returning students who have had immunizations administered recently must submit an updated immunization copy.
  • Physical examination cards from a doctor must be submitted by transfer students, first graders, and 7th graders.
  • Annual Student Health Update, VNA Forms, Medical Authorization, and other medical forms for the new school year are for all students attending school and will be provided by the school to complete on a hard copy.
  • If the Financial agreement form is not completed online as provided above, a hard copy will be provided by the school for parents to fill in.
  • Transferring students and first grade students (where applicable) must have a Release of School Records form filled in for documentation from the previous school to be sent OMAS.


SCHOOL CALENDAR 2024/2025 - Printable

Printable Calendar